Sexual Positions To Improve Conception

Conception is a beautiful and natural process that occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg, leading to the creation of new life. For women who are ready to embark on the journey of motherhood, understanding the factors that can enhance their chances of conception is essential.

While there are numerous aspects to consider, exploring different sexual positions can be an exciting and intimate way to optimize the path to pregnancy. In this article, we will explore how sexual positions can potentially improve the likelihood of conception.

Listed below are some sex positions that can improve the chances of conception:

  1. Missionary Position

    The classic missionary position, with the woman lying on her back and the man on top, is a popular choice for many couples. This position allows for deep penetration and enables the sperm to be deposited near the cervix, increasing the likelihood of fertilization. It also allows for intimate eye contact and emotional connection during the act.

  2. Rear Entry (Doggy Style)

    The rear entry position, with the woman on her hands and knees and the man entering from behind, can offer several benefits in terms of conception. This position allows for deeper penetration, facilitating the sperm’s journey towards the cervix. Additionally, the angle of penetration may help the sperm reach the cervix more easily.

    “The classic missionary position, with the woman lying on her back and the man on top, is a popular choice for many couples.”

  3. Side-by-Side Position

    The side-by-side position provides both emotional and physical benefits for couples trying to conceive. This position allows for a deeper connection and intimacy while facilitating deep penetration. Moreover, it enables the sperm to be deposited near the cervix, increasing the likelihood of successful fertilization.

  4. Modified Missionary

    A modified version of the missionary position involves placing a pillow under the woman’s hips, slightly elevating her pelvis. This adjustment helps maintain the sperm within the vaginal canal and promotes easier access to the cervix. It is a simple modification that can potentially increase the probability of sperm reaching the egg.

Other Helpful Tips Include:

  • Relaxation and Communication

Creating a relaxed and comfortable environment during sexual intimacy is crucial for conception. Stress and tension can negatively impact fertility, so it’s important for women to focus on relaxation techniques and open communication with their partners. By fostering a supportive and stress-free environment, couples can enhance their chances of conception.

  • Fertility Awareness

    Understanding your menstrual cycle and tracking your fertile window is vital for increasing the chances of conception. Sexual positions can be strategically used during this fertile period to optimize the chances of fertilization. By identifying the days when ovulation is likely to occur, couples can engage in sexual intercourse and experiment with different positions during this fertile window to maximize their chances of conception.

  • Speak With a Medical Professional

    Consulting a medical personnel when you have questions or require clarity can also help in the conception journey


While sexual positions alone cannot guarantee conception, exploring different positions can be a fun and enjoyable way to enhance the overall experience and potentially increase the chances of fertilization.

It is essential to keep in mind that factors such as frequent sexual intercourse, fertility awareness, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle play crucial roles in conception. Consider discussing any concerns or difficulties in conceiving with a healthcare professional or a fertility specialist, who can provide personalized guidance and support based on your unique circumstances.

Remember, a loving and supportive relationship, open communication, and shared excitement are equally important elements on the beautiful journey towards parenthood.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sex Positions & Conception

  • Do certain sexual positions increase the chances of conception?
    While there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that specific sexual positions can enhance the chances of conception, certain positions may allow for deeper penetration, which can potentially help sperm reach the cervix more easily. However, the most important factor for conception is timing of intercourse with ovulation.
  • Which sexual position is best for conception?
    There is no definitive answer to this question as the “best” sexual position for conception can vary depending on individual preferences and comfort. Some couples may find that positions such as missionary (man on top) or woman on top allow for deeper penetration, while others may prefer positions like rear entry or side-by-side. Experimenting with different positions can help couples find what works best for them.
  • How can I determine the timing of intercourse for optimal conception?
    Timing intercourse with ovulation is crucial for optimal conception. Tracking your menstrual cycle, monitoring changes in cervical mucus, and using ovulation predictor kits can help identify your fertile window. Having intercourse a couple of days before and during ovulation can maximize the chances of conception.
  • Can changing sexual positions improve sperm motility or quality?
    Changing sexual positions does not have a direct impact on sperm motility or quality. Sperm health is primarily influenced by factors such as overall health, lifestyle choices, and genetics.
    To support sperm health, it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid excessive heat exposure, and minimize exposure to harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol.
  • Should I elevate my hips or use a pillow after intercourse to aid conception?
    While some people believe that elevating the hips or using a pillow after intercourse can help keep sperm inside the vagina and aid conception, there is limited scientific evidence to support this claim. Sperm are designed to swim through the cervix and into the uterus, so propping up the hips may not significantly impact the chances of conception.
  • Are there any other factors that can enhance fertility besides sexual positions?
    Yes, several factors can influence fertility. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, managing stress levels, and avoiding excessive alcohol and tobacco use, can positively impact fertility. Additionally, addressing any underlying medical conditions and receiving appropriate preconception care can contribute to optimizing fertility.


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  • Lucie Krejčová, Radim Kuba, Jaroslav Flegr, Kateřina Klapilová. (2020) Kamasutra in Practice: The Use of Sexual Positions in the Czech Population and Their Association With Female Coital Orgasm Potential. Sexual Medicine 8:4, pages 767-776.
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