Feeling confused or lost about the postpartum stage?

Here’s how to find you again.

You’ve just experienced one of life’s most awesome moments—bringing a new life into the world. 

But what happens next isn’t always the picture-perfect story we’re told. We’re here to help!

The postpartum period

can feel like a storm, filled with challenges no one fully prepares you for.

Your body, your emotions, your very identity—they’ve all shifted in ways you didn’t expect.

And while everyone else celebrates the baby, who’s there to celebrate and care for you?

This isn’t what you imagined, — it’s okay to not be okay right now.

Why You'll Love Our Programs

Choose A Track:

Explore our programs and find the perfect fit for your needs.

4th Trimester Thrive:
Navigating the 6-week
postpartum life

Know what to expect immediately you have a baby and how to navigate them

Latch & Love:
A mother’s guide to
breastfeeding basics

Your tailored guide to breastfeeding her baby

How Fertitude Works

Sign up on Fertitude

And create your digital profile

Receive immediate answers

To your pressing health-related questions

Gain clarity on your next steps

Via recommendations tailored to your specific health situation

Understand your body better

And achieve your health goals via our expert-led programs & resources

Maintain your privacy

While sharing experiences & connecting with other women who get it

Chat with An Expert

Access our diverse range of verified health specialists, therapists & coaches for 1:1 advice

At the End of the Program

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the challenge start?

It is self paced. You can start anytime!

On the Fertitude app, you’re completely anonymous (so are they), so you get to interact with other women without feeling self conscious.

We know you don’t need other people knowing your business, so the program is hosted on our fully anonymous online platform, the Fertitude mobile app.

For iOS, you can search “Fertitude women” on the Apple App Store or click here.

For Android users, you can also search “Fertitude women” on the Google PlayStore or click here.