Our Story

Dr. Kieva (Co-founder, CEO Fertitude) experienced firsthand the challenges of navigating female reproductive health. Despite her medical background, it took years to receive a PCOS diagnosis (when she was ready to have a baby).

The reality is, female reproductive health is often overlooked and underfunded.

It takes over 2 years to be diagnosed with PCOS. Endometriosis can go undiagnosed for 8+ years. And fibroids don’t always disappear after surgery. 1 in 8 couples struggle with infertility.

These conditions are not only physically painful but also emotionally draining. Imagine the anxiety of trying to conceive with PCOS, the financial strain of IVF, the heartbreak of a miscarriage, or the side effects of contraceptives.

Women deserve access to the care, support, and resources they need. No shame should hold them back. More than an app, Fertitude is a community, a resource, and a partner on your journey. We know that when you’re informed, you can make the right choices,and that’s why we created Fertitude – to empower you on that journey.

May 2023

The Idea Is Conceived

Product Development Plan

July 2023

March 2024

Beta is Released (First 1k Users)

A Refined Version is Released

August 2024